Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Day 52 - Quartzsite - Rain Day

WARNING: Snake picture below!

A bit of a sleep in this morning with Kelly doing the coffee duties. The weather is changing today with rain & wind in the forecast.

We are watching world events unfold on TV and now they are starting to happen here in Quartszite, AZ. They have cancelled all social activities at the RV Park and the local Roadrunner Store has implemented some rationing limits on items.. three loaves of bread, three dozen eggs etc. but they are well stocked. We have assessed our needs and checked our existing supplies. We are in good shape in that regard.

We took note of the limited border closure announced today but have confirmed with the Canadian Border folks that all Canadian's are welcome back into Canada. There will be screening to ensure you are asymptomatic.  

There are a lot of Canadians down here right now and many are heading back, not necessarily because of the virus but because their 6 months (in country) limit is being reached as they come down in October.  There are also some who's medical coverage will cease due to provisions within their own Medical Travel Insurance contracts. We have double checked ours and are fully covered until the end of April so no worries there!

Enough of the gloom....  life goes on here in the desert:

The rains started at 9:30 am and have continued through the day. Kelly has been knitting up a storm while making sure the Hallmark Channel is properly monitored:-).  I took the time to go through the RV checking all the screws for tightness, hoses for security and cleaning up lots of small "construction" messes that are hidden throughout the rig. It feels good to get everything checked out and sorted to our liking.

We had a sandwich for lunch then took a drive around to check out the washes. With all the rain we hoped to see some actual water running through them. We stopped at the RC Field as there was a geocache to be had. Turns out Kelly spotted a hole in the ground and asked me if that was a snakes den... I said "No"... keep looking.  Well then she said I think there is a snake in the bush... "No" I said.... that is a leaf....  well it was a snake all curled up trying it's best to get some heat. But it looked like a big tan leaf! Kelly is now in the truck as I take some pics and get the geocache (BTW not anywhere near the snake)

Our friend at the RC field entrance.
Entrance signage
Although there were the odd pools of water along the roadways, there really wasn't much to see. We drove out to Dome Rock BLM to check it out then south, down to Rainbow Acres Subdivision. It was surprisingly neat with short brick walls separating the lots. Very tidy.

Dome Rock
Entry to Rainbow Acres... Kelly did not leave the truck!
Lovely rainbow showed up!
We returned to the RV park just after a huge rain & wind storm ripped through Main Street.

Dinner was Thai meatballs on rice with veggies... all very good! TV followed as I blogged and Kelly watched Survivor. A game of crib followed before we retired for the evening. We are actively planning some day trips over the next few days.

KM's today:54
Total KM's: 7660
Temps:Low 11ºC High 15ºCwith moderate rain with 60 km wind gusts mid day.

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